Welcome to PB HOMES INC.

Rafael Perez-Borroto has been assisting families, neighborhoods and communities with integrity and professionalism throughout the years. Mr. Perez-Borroto will continue satisfying customers and their specific needs in Real Estate.

Rafael Perez-Borroto and PB HOMES AND REAL ESTATE, INC. will assist customers with their selling and/or buying Commercial or Residential Real Estate property, together they take an immense pride knowing the customers can always count on the uniqueness of quality, reliability and exceptional personalized service.

The satisfaction of the customer is the foremost goal of our service from the moment the customer is seeking service or declares in interest; we are committed to provide our best expertise, skills and knowledge throughout the entire transaction. Our commitment as Real Estate professionals is to provide you with our honesty, integrity, reliability and the best extensive experience in the field today.

What We Do Provide

Residential Property

The satisfaction of the customer is the foremost goal of our service from the moment the customer is seeking service or declares in interest

Commercial Property

The satisfaction of the customer is the foremost goal of our service from the moment the customer is seeking service or declares in interest

Investment Property

The satisfaction of the customer is the foremost goal of our service from the moment the customer is seeking service or declares in interest

Rental Property

The satisfaction of the customer is the foremost goal of our service from the moment the customer is seeking service or declares in interest

Why choose us?

  • Excellent Support
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  • Easy To Customize
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam obcaecati architecto sequi nisi fuga rerum quam cum reprehenderit distinctio doloremque iste officia deleniti nostrum ducimus aliquid sed provident doloribus animi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam obcaecati architecto sequi nisi fuga rerum quam cum reprehenderit distinctio doloremque iste officia deleniti nostrum ducimus aliquid sed provident doloribus animi.
  • SEO Optimized
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam obcaecati architecto sequi nisi fuga rerum quam cum reprehenderit distinctio doloremque iste officia deleniti nostrum ducimus aliquid sed provident doloribus animi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam obcaecati architecto sequi nisi fuga rerum quam cum reprehenderit distinctio doloremque iste officia deleniti nostrum ducimus aliquid sed provident doloribus animi.


Jonh Doe, Senior Vice President

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